トップシェアを誇るW Abrasivesは、下地処理に特化した製品、サービス、技術を提供いたします。
W Abrasivesは、コーティング・塗装前の下地処理に多く使われ、付加価値を提供しています。

下地処理に最適なW Abrasives







Case Studies to download

How to improve the blasting efficiency and tHe roughness profile of a major steel construction manufacturer ?

How to increase productivity and reduce blasting costs at a rail manufacturer ?

How to increase productivity and reduce blasting costs for coating of construction rebars ?

How to increase the performance of tHe blasting process and reinforce the adhesion strength of different coatings ?

How a customer using sand decides to invest on a recycling unit ?

How to reduce the global cost of the blasting operation, to reduce the dust and the waste recovery ?

How to increase the performance of the blasting process and reduce balsting cost in a manufacturing plant for articulated haulers ?

How a railway wagon producer can increase its productivity up to 30% ? 

How to reduce the abrasive consumption with similar profile requirements, higher peak count and reduce blast machine wear ?